Montag, 25. Januar 2010


say "chuchichäschtli"..
this means "kitschen-closet" if you can pronounce this word, you are a real swiss..
its much less difficult to cook a "zuri- gschnätzlets"

4 persons:

600g veal filet
1 onion
2dl of white wine, or i "take nolly prat" (vermouth)
peel of lemon
1dl cream
1dl whipped cream
1-2tsp of flour
3 tsp butter

1/3 vanilla bean
1/3 cinnamon

the rösti (hashbrowns)

5 big potatos typ B (waxy)
2-3 spoons ghee / clarified butter

cook them potatos the evening before this is VERRY important!

cook the potatos for 10-15 min.
when they cool enough, peel em.
grate them, salt and pepper and nutmeg. fry them in a pan, with 2-3 spoons ghee / clarified butter each side 15 min until golden and crisp.

the zürigschnätzlets is verry easy to fix;

fry the meat with big heat.
put the meat aside.

chop the onions, fry them in the same pan until glassy.
pour the wine/vermouth and the clear soup, let cook for a cuple minutes.
add the flour, try with the finger if enough salt.

put the meat back in the pan, add cream, and some yellow of a lemon.
chop parsley and add the whipped cream before serving..
en guetä.

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